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Joy Harmonics

Tune to Possibility

Joy Harmonics helps you tune in to your Self

to enjoy your life personally, professionally and holistically.




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  • peace as your natural state

  • trust in yourself and others

  • heart-based connections

  • awareness of your value

  • joy in living as you


About Joy Harmonics

I help people connect with themselves and their lives

to simplify and enhance their experience. 

Joy Harmonics is based on the wisdom of sages, scientists, artists and everyday heroes. We have a universe of potential within. Tapping into it involves tuning into our subtler guidance – our innate sense of joy.

With this as our compass, we naturally align with our integrity

and the life path that is right for us.

 Libby McGugan

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Sat on the Rocks

“There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Albert Einstein

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